What a difference you made We were saddened to hear of the passing of Nancy Herd, wife of retired pastor Cliff Herd of Chattanooga. She passed on September 1, 2018. Cliff and Nancy were on our 2013 mission trip to Tanzania. They were no strangers to Africa and by the end of her earthly time, […]
World Missions
Proclaiming the Word
Last April I had the joy of participating in a memorable mission trip with Trinity HOPE that brought a new light on courage, faith, and worship. I remember vividly not a conversation or a face to face meeting with someone, but something I witnessed during the worship service we were privileged to attend in a […]
So Much More Than A Feeding Program
Many times people see our work as just a feeding program to those small bodies who are so hungry. But I see it as so much more. Yes, Trinity HOPE does provide the necessary food physically for the children to combat malnourishment, but the food also shows the children compassion and love, which opens their […]
Back to School in Haiti
On September 3rd thousands of Haitian children will go back to school with great anticipation. They know a new school year not only means furthering their education, it also means receiving a nutritious noon meal again each day. This year Trinity HOPE is expanding the feeding programs by adding 6 new schools and expanding the […]
Pastoral training in the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD)
Pastoral training continues in the SELVD as the 3rd group of pastoral candidates came to Negezi training center for the July training classes. This week, Dr. Naomichi Masaki, from Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne (CTSFW), is teaching classes on Christology and the Lord’s Supper for the pastoral and deaconess training programs. This was his fourth […]
Church Planting in the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD)
Two weeks and 2745 were baptized Two teams of 23 adults from the Mid-South District went to Tanzania in May for mission trips to the Southeast of Lake Victoria diocese (SELVD). Each trip lasted for approximately two weeks. The teams were made up of members from 8 Mid-South congregations and 4 LCMS congregations from other […]
In Her Own Words, One Volunteer’s Story from the 2018 Mission Trip
When I told some of my friends and family that I was considering going on a mission trip to Haiti I often got a response like this….”I would never go to Haiti because the countries problems are created by a crooked government.” Many felt that the people just expected other countries to take care of […]
Thank you for your loving support
Dear faithful Trinity HOPE supporters, We want to thank you for your loving support to feed the children in Haiti and share with you some recent pictures and drawings we received from them. Please share these with your congregation. Hope you enjoy them as much as we have putting this together for you. Trinity Hope […]
Trinity HOPE April Mission Trip
A team returned this weekend from Haiti and one team member shares pictures and captions. The team member is Ashley Owen from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Effingham, IL. On Wednesday morning we visited a small inner-city school, Jubilee. The students at this school truly had jubilant hearts. Though small in number, the children praised […]
Volunteers – The True Power Behind God’s Kingdom
Where would the global Church and all the parachurch ministries be without volunteers? That’s a scary thought. More than any other entity in the world, the global Church relies on volunteers to accomplish its objectives…sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout God’s Kingdom. So to all of you volunteers, and as a leader of […]
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